치아질환이 있는 하악 모형, 19-파트 VE290

ㆍ여러 단계로 표현된 치아질환
ㆍ절치, 대구치의 치아우식 표현
ㆍ치근 노출
22 x 32 x 9 cm; 1.1 kg


Advanced Half Lower Jaw with 8 diseased teeth, 19 part

The front section of bone and all the teeth are removable from the half lower jaw, one incisor is longitudinally sectioned. Nerves, blood vessels, the sublingual and submandibular glands are shown. These diseased teeth in this dental model show various stages of cavities from a small and easy-to-treat example on an incisor, through to advanced degradation of