감각통합 평가도구

Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)

* 소개

대상: 4~8세 +11개월(영문)
검사시간: 총 2시간(각 테스트마다 10분)
● all Test Materials
● 10 Design Copying Booklets
● 10 Motor Accuracy Booklets
● 10 Kinesthesia Test Sheets
● Manual
● Carrying Case with wheels.
● NOTE: Scoring package is not included in Kit.
● You must purchase a scoring package separately.

● The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) measure the sensory integration processes that underlie learning and behavior.

● By showing you how children organize and respond to sensory input,
SIPT helps pinpoint specific organic problems associated with learning disabilities, emotional disorders, and minimal brain dysfunction.

● 17 Tests Provide a Comprehensive Assessment The SIPT measures visual, tactile, and kinesthetic perception as well as motor performance.

● It is composed of the following 17 brief tests:
1. Space Visualization
2. Figure-Ground Perception
3. Standing/Walking Balance
4. Design Copying
5. Postural Praxis
6. Bilateral Motor Coordination
7. Praxis on Verbal Command
8. Constructional Praxis
9. Postrotary Nystagmus
10. Motor Accuracy
11. Sequencing Praxis
12. Oral Praxis 13. Manual Form Perception 14. Kinesthesia 15. Finger Identification 16. Graphesthesia 17. Localization of Tactile Stimuli