Survivor's Pride: Introduction to Resiliency

Key resiliencies for young people that help young adults overcome adversities

Can young people survive troubled families and destructive environments and grow up to become responsible and productive adults?

The answer is resoundingly YES!!! Kids have the ability to bounce back from adversity. We see it around us all the time: young people who have survived and thrived despite unthinkable hardships.

But how do they do it?

And how can we, as helping professionals assist them in doing it? Further, how can kids learn to recognize their own inner strengths and take pride in rising above difficult circumstances?



Drs. Steven and Sybil Wolin are pioneers in the field of resiliency and have named seven key resiliencies. In addition, in 20 years of clinical experience they have built a body of research and theory that provides answers to all these questions.



62 min, closed captioned, DVD 2012.


Reviews / Testimonials

Drs. Steven and Sybil Wolin are pioneers in the field of resiliency and have named seven key resiliencies. In addition, in 20 years of clinical experience they have built a body of research and theory that provides answers to all these questions.



62 min, closed captioned, DVD 2012.