OUT! Making Schools Safe for Gay Teens DVD

Dealing with sexual identities

Helps staff make schools safe through sensitizing teachers and teens, gay and straight, about dealing with emerging sexual identities.

Gay students are coming out at earlier ages, sometimes even before high school. This can cause friction with other teens who are dealing with their own emerging sexual identities and can make school an unsafe place for everyone. And yet, safe schools and equal treatment of all students aren't just worthy causes, they're mandated laws that are enforced.



Out! helps administration and staff make schools safe through sensitizing teachers and teens, gay as well as straight, about these issues, and offers suggestions for combating homophobia. It features candid interviews with gay teens who discuss their families and friends, the harassment they have faced at school and how they've handled it. It also addresses the value of gay-straight alliances and the need for adequate support structures in schools. Designed to be viewed and discussed by gay and straight students.

Student version runs 26 minutes. Includes a 42-minute staff version as a special DVD feature. Total running time: 68 minutes. New version 2008.

Award: Silver Medal winner, New York International Film Festival.